Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A scolding from a 2 year old. . .

So I was putting Braxton down for a nap the other day and he said, "Mom, lay down me hight now!" I told him that I was sorry but I needed to get some things done while he napped. Again he said, "Mom, hight now . . ." I told him again that I couldn't. Then he said, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . . . Otay, I spank a bum." He was so serious as he hopped out of bed and swatted my behind. I struggled not to laugh as I put him back into bed. And that was how I was scolded by a 2 year old :)
I love having kids! Everyday they do funny things like this. I find myself laughing a lot. It can be a challenge sometimes and I know the future will probably hold some woosies. But honestly, my kids and my husband are my life. They are my very reason for waking up in the morning. They are my best friends. I just love them to pieces. Just had to get that out there.
Also, Todd is getting sworn in tomorrow to work as a reserve officer for Salt Lake County Sheriffs Department and I'm so proud of him and all he does for our family. Good job babe, and good luck!!!


Rachel said...

How funny! I can't wait until Boston is doing stuff like that, and I can actually be home to enjoy it. lol. You are so lucky you get to be home with your boys!

Ashley said...

I can definitley say I have learned to take advantage of the Saturdays and especially the Friday/saturday off. Cute story, how is everything going? Did you hear Tami is moving back?