Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Honest Award

Thanks Tami for tagging me with the Honest Award! So, here are the rules for the Honest Scrap award -The honorees are to:

A) First list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

So here I go:
1. I love old movies . . . I truly do. My mom always told me she thinks I was born in the wrong time period because even when I was younger I would always watch "I Love Lucy" re-runs. Some of my all-time favorite old movies are "Good Neighbor Sam", "Yours, Mine, and Ours", "The Pink Panther", "Move Over Darling", "Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein", "White Christmas", "Pillow Talk", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "The Long, Long Trailer", and "Send Me No Flowers". Really, if you haven't seen any of these movies, look 'em up. They're really great:)

2. I am a car singer. Yep, it's true. When I am alone in the car I turn up the music and sing like I'm on American Idol. Phew, it feels good to get that out in the open:) I also sing at home all the time! My poor kids have to listen to me. And I even feel worse for Ashley and Joe (the couple who live beneath us). Sorry guys!

3. I want to be an artist. I love painting, drawing, and even writing. I've got pictures that I've painted hanging in Braxton's room, and I'm currently working on one for Kyson and the new baby as well. It is such a wonderful feeling to create something and know that part of you resides in each and every piece of art you create. Since I was little I was always writing kids books and illustrating them. I've got about ten stories that are completed but I keep on writing more. Will they ever be published? Realistically . . . Probably not, but oh well. The stories keep piling up anyway.

4. I've got some SERIOUS road rage issues. I'm afraid my kids are going to start saying things like "Come on . . . moron.", "Idiot!", "Why are you going the speed limit! I'm in a hurry." and my personal favorite, "Where'd you learn to drive? Boat school?!" You can thank Spongebob for that last one:) My sister Haley can attest to my road rage problem. I love you Haley!

5. I LOVE dogs. If I could get any kind of dog right now it would be a boxer. Todd got me one before he went on his mission and I absolutely adored him. I think about him all the time. His name was Koda and he was the best. We had to get rid of him though, because when we got married we moved into an apartment. But we will definitely be getting a dog when we get our own house! Yay:)

6. I am CRAZY about my kids and my husband. They are so amazing and I can't believe how lucky I am. Seriously, today I was sitting at home thinking about how I ever got along without them. I feel like they have always been in my life and I can't even imagine myself before my handsome hubby and our two little kiddos. So, to Todd, Braxton, and Kyson -- I LOVE YOU!

7. I pretty much make a list for everything. I'm not kidding you. I make lists about what I need to get done that day, what groceries I need to get, what my goals are, what chores need to get done, what bills need to get paid, what stories I could write about, what decorating ideas I could re-create for my house, what movies I want to see, what books I want to read, etc. . .etc. . .etc. . . It's kind of funny, but there it is.

8. I am really scared of drowning. I don't know why. I just think it would be terrifying to get your foot stuck on something when you were under the water and you couldn't get out again. Or if you were on a cruise and the ship sunk and you were locked in room or something, like on Titanic. I don't know, I just think that would be awful. But I LOVE the water, and water itself doesn't scare me at all. Go figure. In fact, I practically grew up on a boat. In the summer we always went to the lake, and we made trips to Lake Powell every year, most of the time twice a year! Lake Powell is amazing. If you haven't been, my advice to you would be to get up and GO! Just don't get your foot caught on a weed or something at the bottom!!!

9. My all time favorite tv show would have to be American Idol. I also like House, The Bachelor, and Deal or No Deal. Ha ha ha, that's kind of funny because on most of those shows, someone wins something. American Idol you can become a rock star, The Bachelor - TRUE love, and Deal or No Deal - $$$. I guess that's just the dreamer in me. I love the idea of some average joe acheiving something that would normally be absolutely impossible:)

10. Bagels and Hot Chocolate!!! Need I say more?

I'm only tagging 6, (Sorry) :

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