Friday, October 23, 2009

The Camera, the Witch and the Phone . . . and the Honest People who ROCK!

Last Saturday the girls in my family went to the Witch Palooza at Gardner Village. We all dressed up in our witch attire and got ready to have a little fun. Right when we got there we decided to take a few pictures, as shown below :)

Anyway, so we went around to a few stores and all of a sudden I realized I didn't have my phone or my camera! Keep in mind, this place was outside, dark, and full of people. . . well, witches. Actually I did see Pikachoo, Gandalf the White, and Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas, but that's beside the point. . . Haley got out her phone and immediately began dialing my number. Nobody answered. She dialed again. Still no answer. She kept calling for a few minutes and still no answer. Finally someone called from my phone and she hung up on them! I grabbed the phone from her and dialed my number again. There was a man's voice on the other end. I explained to him that I lost my phone and he explained to me that he was by the store where they sell the fudge. He said he would wait there. We scurried to the sweets shop and I got my phone back. He said he kept hearing a phone ringing and he was like "Can someone answer their *@% phone!!!" He said he finally noticed my phone in a pile of leaves. After thanking the man numerous times, we went on a search for my camera. We checked store after store to see if anyone turned in a white digital camera, to no avail. After walking around a while we finally decided to leave. I thought about calling Gardner Village on Monday to see if anyone turned in my camera but I couldn't find the phone number. Then I got lost in the crazy week that this week has been, and I thought my camera was gone forever. Todd decided this morning, Friday, (almost a week later) to call Gardner Village and see if the camera was there, and guess what. . . IT WAS! So THANKS to the honest man who answered my phone and waited for me to get there; and THANKS to the person, whoever you are, who turned my camera into the the office! It's so nice to know that there are actually honest people out there. I am forever grateful to you and your wonderful example! You Rock!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's it going to cost me to have you take off that picture? I've always felt like a blue whale next to my family. Blah!

On a lighter note, I'm so glad you got your phone and camera back. Honest people deserve those kind of miracles. It's karma.

Love ya!